Our Services:
Individual Coaching:
Personal/Life Coaching
Career Coaching
Wellness Coaching
Small Business Development
Corporate Coaching
Training and Organizational Development

Individual Coaching:

Personal/Life Coaching will help you to explore your values, goals, and unique qualities and talents. You will take a look at your life as it is right now, identify the change(s) that you want to make, and re- design your life for a more fulfilling future. Unlike counseling, coaching is an area in which it is relatively easy to measure gains made. You have either reached your goals or you haven’t. Coaching is ‘results oriented". Your coach will offer you support, provide structure, feedback, and systems of accountability to motivate you to reach your goals. Your work together is time limited and organized around the pursuit of specific goals. Personal coaching can help with creating more balance in your life, time management, health, wellness and fitness goals.

Career Coaching:

We can help you analyze your interests, clarify your values, and recognize what gives you pleasure so you can identify work you love. We may also assist you to better manage office politics so you can "play to win" or strategically plan, so you can position yourself better in an existing job.
If you are ready to change positions, a coach will assist you to tap into the hidden job market, and improve networking techniques, We will collaborate with you to create resumes and cover letters that are attention getting and based on our strengths, abilities and goals. If you desire, vocational tests can be administered to help you clarify your values and interests. nal mission statement and developing a life that is reflective of "who you are and what you represent".

Small Business Development:

If you are an entrepreneur in a small business we can assist you develop a marketing plan, create a specialty and target a niche that will make you unique. We will support you through all stages of your business from infancy to maturity so that it is truly a reflection of your vision. Strategic Coaching can help you to "make your dreams come true".

Corporate Coaching:

While the idea of training to improve your business skills is not new, what experts realized was that there was no follow up. Busy executives need help to make the necessary changes in real time on their jobs,"says Douglas Hall, Karen Otazo and George Hollenbeck in "Behind Closed Doors: What really Happens in Executive Coaching" Organizational Dynamics (Winter, 1999) "Just knowing what’s wrong isn’t enough to make the changes. When coaches work well with executives, the results tell the story", they add.
The executive coaching Program is designed to help leaders achieve a level of excellence that is commensurate with the leading edge in their professions, industries and personal lives. Executives in such positions often do not have the opportunity to have open and productive dialogue with someone outside the organization to "strategically plan" how to manage their problems, projects, visions, and personal goals to fruition. "Unlike a management consultant, an executive coach does not come in and fix the problem for you and then leave. A coach partners with you to elicit how to resolve issues and achieve your goals. And they stay with you throughout the process" says Amy Watson, a spokesperson for the International Coach Federation.
An executive coach can help with time management, communication skills, conflict resolution, career guidance, and team building.
Coaching is done privately and confidentially on a group or individual basis either in person or via telephone. The work to be accomplished is determined by the participant and the coach. Our work is designed to grow leadership competency. Organizations report teams are more productive, managers report more job satisfaction and are more effective as a result of coaching.

Training and Organizational Development :

Are you struggling with an organizational problem and not sure how to resolve it? Let us join your team. We will meet with you to do needs assessment and tailor a program designed to address your organizational difficulties.

We offer a series of seminar topics including:

  • Stress Management and Productivity
  • Managing Change
  • Time Management
  • Dealing With Difficult People
  • Team Building
  • Life and Work Balance
  • Conflict Resolution in the Work Place
  • Sexual Harassment Training
  • Customer Service
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

We will be happy to customize a training program that addresses the specific needs of your organization.

Train The Trainer:

One of the fastest growing areas in the consulting field, coaching, has exploded in popularity, just behind management consulting. Today there are an estimated 10,000 full and part time coaches, and the number of coaches entering the field has doubled in size every year for the past three years.
http;//www.northeastcoachinginstitute.com/Train The Trainer


Rosemary Lavinski, L.C.S.W.,CEAP Director
Rosemary Lavinski is an executive coach, international trainer and psychotherapist, with 27 years experience in counseling individuals, couples and groups in their personal and professional lives. Her career management work has been cited in Crain’s New York Business, Newsweek and national television. She has supervised and trained helping professionals and been a lecturer at Hunter College, N.Y.U. School of Social Work, and Yanshan University. See: www.RLavinski.com

For more information, contact:

Coaching Services

Cell Phone 718 •
986 • 5582